I can't believe it's the end of another week. Here at Pet Tags the weeks fly by, summer has disappeared and autumn has arrived, but the pet tag orders keep coming in. We've just finished our last batch for the week, and this week's tags will all be hanging from the collars of hundreds of pets around the UK and in Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Ireland and Belgium!
We're excited to have booked our stand at Discover Dogs in London on the 9th and 10th of November, where we'll be engraving tags all weekend (yes, this does mean transporting our state-of-the-art laser engraver 30 miles north!). All engraved ID tags will be discounted 20% for the weekend, as will our new very cool little colourful eZeclips.

Our new eZeclips in silver, blue, red and gold have been selling like hotcakes! Make attaching and removing ID tags to and from the collar super eZy! This one looks great with our Fashion Paw tag.
This year I'm so lucky to have both Sarah and Natasha at the show to help (I couldn't do it without them) and Natasha, who is our resident master baker, will also be baking special Kennel Club cup cakes to give away. Hopefully we won't eat them first! Most importantly, this year at Discover Dogs we'll be launching our new range of Kennel Club Canine Boutique pet clothes and luxury pet blankets, with a 20% launch discount. Soon after you'll find these on our website, just in time for Christmas and onset of winter. To make the weekend even more fun, we'll be having a guessing competition - guess the most popular 10 dog names of 2013 so far and go into the draw for a free engraved pet tag and ezeclip (and cup cake, if there are any left!).
For the record, this week's most popular pet names by a long shot are Poppy and Jack.
There's a lot to organise, but we can't wait to get to Discover Dogs and meet more of our customers and some of their dogs!
On a final note, unfortunately we have no update on Daisy, who is still most definitely pre-pregnant but we hope to have news next week.
Marina, Natasha and Sarah wish you and your pets a wonderful weekend!