If your pet has ever gone missing, then you know how crippling the panic and anxiety can be – it is heartbreaking and exhausting at the same time. You can make sure that it never happens again or keep it from happening again with a new pet by getting engraved pet ID tags for them.
As well as keeping your extended family looking the part with a stylish accessory, they also keep them safe should they ever venture out and get lost.
The following information should be included in the tags you get for your furry companions:
Your Name and AddressThe Control of Dogs Order (1992) is an important UK Dog Law many dog owners are unaware of. If your dog is in a public place, he or she must be wearing ID with their owner’s name and address on it. You can actually be fined up to £2,000 if your dog is found without this, even if they have a microchip.
You only need your surname and your house number or name with postcode engraved. However, if you want your dog to participate in Kennel Club training programs and awards schemes, you’ll need a second utility tag which has your full name and address on it. A stainless steel or brass tag which allows engraving on both sides will work perfectly for this. You can keep the utility tag for when you need it and
use an eZeClip to help attach and remove it easily for when your dog isn’t training or competing.
Don’t forget to update the dog’s tags if you move home and also notify your microchip registry of your new address and contact details.
Contact Info is KeyIt is always a good idea to include a phone number on any pet ID tag, no matter what else you do include on the tag. Anyone who finds your pet can contact you immediately and arrange for you to collect your missing pet. This gives you the chance to meet at a neutral location, avoiding a stranger having to come into your home.
If including your phone number is simply not an option, you can always include the phone number of a trusted friend, family member or even your local vet. Again, remember to keep the number updated in case you move or your pet may be well and truly lost and chances of a reunion may reduce significantly.
Extra optionsMany people like to include information about a medical ailment on the tag, such as ‘DIABETIC’ or ‘EPILEPTIC’.
This is a great way to let whoever has found your pet know that they have specific needs that might need addressing urgently, preventing your pet from becoming ill as a result and prompting them to find you as quickly as possible.
Here at Pet Tags, we offer
medical alert tags alongside our traditional pet ID tags to ensure that any medical conditions are quickly understood.
Losing a pet can be devastating so keep your furry companion in safe hands at all times. How important are pet ID tags? Very.