Now well into the midst of spring, we can finally say that BBQ season is right around the corner – and it’s about time, too! Who can resist some freshly barbequed burgers, a fresh potato salad and some cold drinks with friends, families and loved one? Unfortunately, in this case, we don’t mean our pets when it comes to loved ones! Not only is the food far too rich for them, but there will be plenty of dangers around for them, too.
Keeping your pets safe when it comes to BBQ season is important. Many cats and dogs are sociable and enjoy being around company, but too many guests and noise can be quite disruptive for them. Keep your cats safely indoors, and your dog tied up out of harm’s way if he can’t bear to be away from the action.
If your pet is likely to be spooked and run away, they can get confused and end up lost and unable to find their way home. Making use of
engraved dog tags or ID tags for your cat will help others get them home safely.
A few more
BBQ pet safety tips include:
- Alcohol, corn on the cob and food on the bone can be dangerous for animals – and so can food with a high fat content. Keep food, waste and drinks out of reach of your pets
- Keep a watchful eye on your pets; all the food can be tempting for them but can also cause a lot of damage internally
- Keeping insects such as mosquitoes away from your BBQ gathering is often a priority on warm, early summer evenings but pesticides, citronella candles and insect repellents can be toxic to your pets
- Similarly, certain plants can be dangerous if ingested by your pet – such as Lilies, Laburnum and Daffodils
- Onions, grapes and raisins can be toxic and even fatal to cats and dogs, and we all know how sick a dog can be after eating chocolate. Keep these foods away from your pets!
- Pets and children should be supervised at all times
- Keep pet treats to hand so your guests aren’t tempted to give them any food straight from their plates
More than just a pretty attachment to their collar, our range of engraved dog tags or
pet ID tags are a great way of keeping your pet safe at all times of year. Please browse our website for more information – there is a tag to suit each and every pet!