Take Your Dog to Work Day

Take Your Dog to Work Day

Friday, June 24th is almost upon us once more – and you all know what that means – it’s National Take Your Dog to Work Day! It’s one of our favourite days of the year, and we know plenty of you will be in agreement with us, too. So, why not put it to your boss and what happens? You never know, you might start a new annual – or even monthly - tradition in your place of work.

Having a dog around the office can be uplifting and enjoyable for all parties – there’s just something about seeing a happy dog that brings a smile to your face – and what dog doesn’t enjoy being fussed by so many people? However, if your boss does agree to let you bring your dog into the workplace this June, there are a few dos and don’ts you should follow to make this day enjoyable and comfortable for everyone.
-          Check your co-workers are okay with a dog being in the office – some people have allergies or phobias
-          Dog-proof the office – ensure bins, cables any other chewable items are out of reach. Keep your dog secured in one place if necessary
-          Ensure your dog is wearing engraved dog tags for identification purposes, should there be a number of dogs in the office and you get called away into a meeting
-          Ensure your pooch is up to date with vaccinations – including worming and flea treatments – and is in good health
-          Ensure you bring everything you need for your dog throughout the day – a pillow or bed to get comfortable on, food, a water bowl, treats, toys, a lead, and anything else you might need
-          Ensure your pup is potty trained! But it is important to be aware that accidents do happen when in new environments, so if your dog does make a mess, clean it up and don’t tell your dog off
-          Exercise your dog before work, and at lunch. Take a reduced lunch break if your dog will require another quick break in the afternoon
-          Establish pet-free zones where serious work needs to be done without distractions – such as meeting rooms and reception
-          Bring your dog to work if it is wary of strangers or other animals. Socialised animals only in the work place!
-          Bring your dog into the workplace if it is disobedient, noisy, and prone to misbehaving. Fighting, growling and whining can be distracting for those needing to get work done
-          Let colleagues or visitors pet your dog, give them treats, or act in a way that will ruin any training you have in place
-          Feed your dog in the office. Instead, take them outside for feeding time
-          Forget to check your insurance to ensure your pet is covered in the workplace
-          Forget the toys – it is important to keep your pet stimulated and occupied while you work!
For more information on how to take your dog to work, please take some advice from the best in the business.
To ensure your dog is prepared for a day in the office this June, why not treat them to a new set of engraved dog tags to make them feel special and loved? We have a broad variety available over on our website.