Why you must microchip your dog
Why you must microchip your dog

Microchipping provides the security of knowing that should your dog stray, the chances of the two of you being reunited will significantly increase. Microchipping will be compulsory for all dog owners in England from April ‘16, following an announcement made by the Westminster Government that has been welcomed by Dogs Trust. The Welsh Government has also announced that microchipping will be compulsory for all dogs in Wales by 1st March 2015. But why wait until then? Dog’s Trust points out that microchipping has a number of other welfare benefits, including:
- All puppies are traceable to their breeder thereby helping reduce the problem of puppy farming and lessening the incidence of infectious disease and inherited defects from which many of these dogs suffer
- Deterring dog theft
- Allowing for rapid return
- Providing easier identification and subsequent arrests of owners culpable of animal cruelty
- Enabling veterinary surgeons to contact dog owners for emergency procedures
- Allowing identification of dogs in properties in emergency situations so that dogs and owners can be moved and reunited more quickly
You can expect to pay £15-£30 to have your dog microchipped at the vets. Dog’s Trust free microchipping is available throughout the year by appointment as well as at their free chipping roadshows and 1500 local vet practices across the country. Find one close to you here.

Remember, microchipping is a great way to identify your dog but you can only be reunited with a missing pet if your details are up to date. If you move house or change your telephone number please call PetLog on 0844 463 3999 as soon as possible to let them know.
Here are some FAQs about microchipping:
What is a microchip?
A microchip is a small electronic device, the size of a grain of rice. The microchip is coded with a unique number that can be read by a scanner and then entered onto the national database alongside the owner’s details.
How and where is the microchip implanted?
Using a specially designed implanting device, the microchip is injected through a sterile needle under the dog’s skin between the shoulder blades.

Does it hurt?
No, it does not hurt the dog. No anaesthetic is required and the procedure should cause no more discomfort than a standard vaccination.
Who has a scanner?
These can be found at most veterinary practices, local authorities and animal welfare groups.
How are the owners traced?
If a stray dog is found to have a microchip, the local authority, vet practice or animal welfare organisation will contact the national 24 hour database to find the owner’s details. The owner can then be contacted and reunited with their dog.
Where can I get my dog microchipped?
Most veterinary practices in the UK can microchip your dog (for a charge), along with a growing number of local authorities and animal welfare groups. All Dogs Trust Rehoming Centres can also microchip your dog.
How much will it cost?
Dogs Trust currently provides a microchipping service at our Rehoming Centres for free. Please contact them directly to book an appointment. To find your nearest centre please visit www.dogstrust.org.uk
As well as microchipping it is vitally important, and a legal requirement, that your dog wears an ID tag or collar. You can learn more about the UK dog laws here. Check out our fantastic range of tags at Pet-Tags.